

Pokémon Ecchi Version 2021-07-30 by Hinorashi

Pokémon Ecchi Version 2021-07-30 by Hinorashi
There is a lot of work to be done with this project, so some graphics are placeholders and some Pokémon lack illustrations. Until some pieces of music are composed for this project, those will also use placeholders. If you wish to access the Pokédex early, use the computer in the blue house next to Sunny Cycles in Cliffshore city.

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Size: 165 Mb


Keep2Share | Fileboom
№ 1
17 December 2019 16:42
| комментарий | публикаций |
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How far can you go in the game? I just beat the 3rd gym, and i don't know where to go now. Is there more added yet or not?
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