Overview:The story revolves around 18 years old delinquent who has his sights set on honorable ambitions: to become the world's greatest delinquent and get laid with as many girls he can, but unexpected news forces him to return to his hometown and face new challenges.
v0.1.1- Added "H" key to hide the message box.
- Changed how frame rate synchronization works (fix for 60Hz+ monitors running game too fast) to adjust automatically. Should fix the issues some users had with slow animation during the sex scenes or combat.
- Fixed crashing during choice dialog. Now you can save your game when a choice dialog is displayed.
- Fixed crashing before Takeda talks with you in the classroom.
- Fixed issue with Kotora's HP/Chi being stuck at combat patrol.
- Reduced everyone's HP by 30%.
- Combo Skills require 2 yellow marks now.
- Critical Skill hits restore a small part of Chi (0.10 of max), also increased gain of regular crit (0.15 of max).
- Regular attacks add 1 extra blue mark if it crits.
- Combat starts with 1 blue mark.
- Now you can hover over your party members window to see detailed information about statuses affecting them.
- Added a more in-depth description to skills at skill learn menu.
- The message will be displayed to use "combo jawbreaker" on "Titface" during the encounter.
- Fixed Overkill Bonus not removed once used on the enemy.
- Made "Titface", "Wrinkled Fucker" encounters easier.
- Fixed clunky sex scene "faster" button. Won't be stuck by clicking, reacts smoother.
- Sex scenes progression is faster now, easier to achieve 100% satisfaction.
- Probably fixed the stuttering during sex scenes (animations).
- Fixed some grammar mistakes, item descriptions.
- Fixed special: kebab bug allowing exploiting for unlimited kebabs.
- Fixed "XXX" movies bug causing the animation to freeze and back button not working.
- Fixed "Burning Frenzy" skill learning requirement.
- Redid various tutorials including "Little Helper" menu display.
- Added additional window to memory dialog showing a choice picture so it'll be easier to identify sex scene.
- Reduced the cost of cloth and camera items.
- Removed NTR button at the options menu.
- Changed a narrative about sexual training.
- Fixed cursor not properly resetting upon opening the menu window.
- Changed Sex training UI and experience calculations.
- Fixed debug menu not working correctly.
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