One Slice of Lust is a parody game based on the One-Piece anime story. The story revolves around the StrawHat Pirates who are targeted by one of the great emperors, Marshall D. Teach that makes them more desperate to meet their sexual needs that they never had before.
Luffy who is captain of the Straw Hats will be the first target and the most affected of all. Zoro, Usopp, Nami, Sanji, Robin, Franky, Brook and their friends are not so affected but will follow their captain's wishes
- Added a new scene with Nami (we decided to do this because we realized it wasn't all complete) (Tit job before handjob from Luffy's room)
- Rewritten and redesigned the inventory (now items will be displayed as stacks, having displayed next to them a counter (ex: Red Fish x2))
- Repair of some dialogues and some minor bugs
We decided to modify the version number
- Hud rework
- Ship rebuild in 3D format
- Fixed a bug where the music would start if you change the camera pos on the deck
- Hints system (every character will now have his own set of hints)
- New realistic fishing minigame (Optimized for mobile devices too. There you have the controls on the screen as there is no keyboard)
- Added scene speed system (it will help you change the scene speed or switch the position)
For Nami:
- Boob massage
- Handjob in bed
- Blowjob
- Sex scene
- Dinner scene
-Updated the gallery
- Every part of the day will now affect the outside of the ship
- Added lights system during nightime outside
- Reworked the chaiselongues buttons
For Nami:
- Boob massage
- Handjob in bed
- Blowjob
- Sex scene
- Dinner scene
-Updated the gallery
- Every part of the day will now affect the outside of the ship
- Added lights system during nightime outside
- Reworked the chaiselongues buttons
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