Chloe18 Back to Class stopped when Chloe Needed To make everyone Think That she isn’t that much of a slut herself, and Taylor is worse.
Take the Part of Trevis, He tried to be a criminal to impress a girl, and failed terribly.
Now with the help of Chloe, Trevis will pretend to be Taylor’s Brother. What at first it seems like a good place to hide,
now while pretending to be her Brother you need corrupt Taylor and her whole family, (not that you don’t want to)
-Enjoy chloe18’s world from another angle, With the hot and realist girls you know and like.
-Several improvements to game-play and of course a very good sex system that should leave you wanting more(if the version 01 didn’t have 71 sex scene with different outcomes each)
-Chloe is now 100% playable
-77 new Sex animation
-17 New Bella pics and messages added
-Stripper Job remaster
-Night Club/bar totally Remake form scratch(was voted)
-13 new story line
-New jobs(from delivery to Stripper)
-New camgirl mini game
-NEW 2d side scroller 6D RPG(not mandatory to play)
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