Overview: Game is about Daemia, she`s tries to find her father while her mother gets every night fucked up with by her uncle.
This a parody of the very popular game Warcraft, this awesome game was made in UDK (Unreal Development Kit) so its got not bad graphics, but you will need a Decent - powerful Pc.
Censorship: No
Version: Chapter 1 Episodes
Platform: Pc Windows
Language: English
Instructions: Chapter 1 Episodes 1-5
1- Extract to desired location.
2- Go to Extracted Location Open folder/Binaries/Win32/UDK
3- Click on UDK Start Playing
Instructions: Chapter 1 Episode 1 Remake
1- Extract to desired location.
2- Go to Extracted Location Open folder/OST_Game/Binaries/
3- Open Either Win32 or Win64 Folder
3- Click on OST_Game Start Playing
Instructions: Chapter 2 Episode 1
1- Extract to desired location.
2- Go to Extracted Location Open folder/Binaries/Win32/UDK
3- Click on UDK Start Playing
INFO: Follow this to get these NEXT 4 Episodes working CORRECTLY overwise will crash or be out-of-focus.
If game does not start or out of focus(especially true for Prolog)
Delete Folder c:\Users\USER_NAME\AppData\Local\OST_Game\
Instructions: Chapter 2 Episodes 2: Prologue
1- Extract to desired location.
2- Go to Extracted Location Open folder/WindowsNoEditor
3- Click on OST_Game Start Playing
Instructions: Chapter 2 Episodes 2, 3 + Epilogue
1- Extract to desired location.
2- Go to Extracted Location Open folder/OST_Game/Binaries/
3- Open Either Win32 or Win64 Folder
3- Click on OST_Game Start Playing
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