Year 2017
Shinobu Shinohara, the leading character who attends an advanced school, uses summer vacation and begins an apprenticeship departure from the "librarian" who had been a longtime dream.
That byte was the mother-in-law and Misaki Shinohara who is a sales lady of insurance was what she had looked for.
However, when I start bytes, my boss' s Hikawa Ritsuko strictly comes in contact with something.
It is the same for Misa Nozomi, if you see the appearance say a word two words Iyami.
Even while asking such a Ritsuko to get anguish, my heart may be calming.
Kana comes from Kanriyama who comes with children from noon.
Hips and words are soft, making me feel relieved.
A child who is one and a half years old also forgets to Shota, forgetting disgusting things.
And, it is a small drinking office "Wakamian" that stops by byte.
Until his mother died and his father remarried, the female general, Kujyo Yae, was well taken care of.
A little Kyoto Namari talking way and nice beautiful kimono appearance are good, there are times when it is still exciting.
One summer surrounded by such older beautiful women.
Immoral and sensual days begin ...
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