Story - A Sennyuu investigator in charge of the extraordinary Molester destruction that the heavenly robe Miho (sweet Miho) was founded by the Oyake Railway Corporation (geek den Tetsu) tail leaf immediate line (an aunt does not take a rest) Security Department.
Because the number of Molester damage report in the line increased, started measures in a hurry, and an extraordinary person in charge founded it and was assigned there recently.However, what was assigned to a person in charge of Molester destruction founded for the uncertain Details which caught a cloud without the testimony of the victim getting the point a little only as for the Daikoku vermilion pear (oguroakari) of Miho and former station employee.
Because there is not the positive evidence, the police do not give it when they work.
Therefore, as for the Miho, oneself became the decoy, and took a crowded train, and began the Molester investigation.
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