Playing Judas will focus on the lives of brother and sister, Raelynn and Judas Spencer, both of whom will follow vastly different routes depending on your choices. You can play from the eyes of Raelynn as the hand that will force her to swallow the rabbit whole, a place where there exists much more than meets the eye, or you can be the guiding light to her falling in love. Or you can choose to be Judas, the love of her life or the man that forces her down a dark path of sex, drugs, and depravity. The choice is up to you. . .or is it?
Focused some on escaping from Eddie, splits into two different paths, both of which are tonally different. One is closer rooted to the overarching storyline, while the other drifts off into something else. The latter is more romance is tone, for now. Manipulation is planned here, but for those who enjoy rape, there'll be a few options for that, too. The former as it stands is mostly made up of rape, or witnessing it.
You can find either of them by going choosing 'resisting > a way out > wait for the right time > Good girl > Option 1/2. Option 1 has more as it stands, but both have a fair amount.
Condensed and corrected some of the 'if' variables I made early on, as some were incorrect or incorrectly done. Loose typos that I caught, fixed some bad crops on images (I know there's still some throughout.). Slowly cleaning up CSS I'm not using without trying to break something in the process.
Updates will be every 2 months from now on, just so I can pack in more content than I'd normally be able to with monthly releases. I'll likely have an update in February fixing more typos, and other non-image/video/content parts of the game.
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